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International Women’s Day: Breaking the Bias in Cycling

To celebrate International Women’s Day this year, we asked several members for their take on the theme Break the Bias, and the ways they will continue to promote women’s cycling and equality in the sport.

“I will celebrate women’s achievements”

“Achievements come in varying forms. Be it joining the club, exceeding previous mileage/elevation, trying new skills or racing disciplines, stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing the boundaries, becoming ‘comfortably uncomfortable’ or finding your way to fitness or making a comeback back from injury… I think it all has an important place in our celebration of each other! ” – Abby Dickens

“I will maintain a gender equal mindset”

“One of the biggest concerns I had about joining a cycling club was the fear I wouldn’t be able to keep up with people on group rides, especially guys. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Now I know how much fun it is to ride with the guys, because I’ve experienced how considerate and encouraging they can be. I’ve loved riding with our male cyclist population and want to celebrate the mindset that helped me realise this!” – Jo Reynolds

“I will challenge gender stereotypes, discrimination and bias.”

“My pledge, inspired by the book ‘Invisible Women’ is to continue to have challenging conversations with peers and companies to improve women’s wellbeing and safety in cycling so they are not adversely impacted by technology and kit that are designed for men. I was challenged and limited to a range of bikes recently that met my measurement needs. Then faced with a premium for it marketed as ‘built for women.’ Positive changes are happening in the club by having a female kit representative – let’s continue to positively challenge and make change” – Katie Thomson

“I will help forge a gender equal world”

“Last year I reached out to the regional road race rep to ask how we could get more women’s road races on the calendar. I signed up to be part of the regional road working group and worked with local organisers to advise them on how the region might better cater for its female racing population. Seeing the return of women’s racing to the Surrey league this weekend after an absence of several years was brilliant. Whilst the numbers weren’t quite on par with the men’s race yet, it was the biggest women’s field we’ve seen in a regional race for quite some time. A gender equal world in sport to me is about providing equal opportunities to men and women, while recognising and valuing our unique differences.” – Alice Lethbridge