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Ronn’s Christmas cameo with Matt Stephens

Not just content with being awesome on the bike, our member Ronn Fraser has now turned his hand to acting too. He makes a cameo in the new Sigma Sports Christmas advert with Matt Stephens. We spoke to Ronn and discovered that this wasn’t his first acting gig…

In the business, or the biz as we luvvies know it, there are firsts and there are comebacks. My story is of the latter.

Some of you are already aware of my failed debut aged 7 ¾ at the Pope John Primary School, Year 6, Christmas production of Sleeping Beauty, where I played the king. Panned by the critics, I went into a voluntary hiatus, travelling the world (Selsea Bill, Isle of Wight and Shepherds Bush) to find the best gurus and coaches to help me hone and perfect my craft.

19 years later, the call came from our man in Havana – Andy Edwards to attend an audition for the lead role in the Sigma Sports Christmas video, I knew that my chance at a comeback had finally come.

I’d rehearsed my lines, I’d meditated, tapered and taken a gel – I could not have been readier.

I was a little surprised that there was no one in attendance from hair & makeup but I had my own compact with a little blusher, and a Boots No.7 pillarbox red lippy from the Stay Perfect collection. I stepped out of my tuxedo, removed my monocle and set aside my top-hat and cane.
Now dressed in my cycling attire I assumed the imaginary persona of the world’s greatest rouleur. I named him ‘Ronaldo Hinaulto – The Chinchilla’.
The producer – Niall, asked if I was nervous. I wasn’t. Having worked with Sir Larry (Grayson) back in the day, nerves were for the untrained and not in my vocabulaire.

In the early 90’s, whilst performing on broadway (Tolworth). I was somewhat thrown by an overbearing audience member, when I stared in a little known contemporary piece called ‘Man Holding Golf Sale Sign’. I was in the middle of this matinee one man show, a non-speaking, still art piece, when the silence was broken by an elderly woman who asked me for directions to the K2 bus stop. It was this disastrous experience that I was able to draw upon to ready myself for any eventuality that may have materialised during the Sigma Sports shoot. Fortunately, no such interruption arose.

Matt Stephens is a man after my heart; creative, engaging and down-right funny! It was clear from the off that this was going to be fun…and it was! We spent more time laughing than filming, especially when Matt first emerged from the house with that cracker; you can imagine the hysterics. I can only liken the experience to being in a cross between a Carry On movie and Blue Peter; two of my all-time faves.

I can’t thank Andy, Matt and Sigma Sports crew enough for the opportunity. It was one of the funniest days of the year and a fantastic experience. I intend to continue my comeback and would like to reach out to any Wheeler who may need a helping hand. I’m available for guest appearances at; weddings, bar mitzvahs, first holy communions, allotment re-openings and more. Call my mobile or message me via the Forum.

P.S. Autographed head shots available on request. Please send a self-addressed envelope with the appropriate payment. Crossed cheques, Postal Orders and Green Shield Stamps accepted.

Exit stage left…


Watch the full performance

Find out more about Ronn’s journey into club cycling here.