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Club 10's Season Starts.

Club 10’s TT Season has Started.

The start of the Club 10 TT season started on Wednesday, 22nd Apr 2015. The event, as usual, runs on the G10/42 course (Holmwood, near Dorking) and as the name suggests is held over 10 miles. It is not the fastest course with the rolling terrain but despite it taking place on a dual carriage way it is nice and safe. Dave Spraggy our TT secretary has done a marvellous job in arranging the fortnightly event through CTT and getting the usual police consent and paperwork completed.
Tonight we had a 100% turn out, as this event is held mid-week we usually get the odd drop-out due to work commitments, so nice to see all on the start sheet. This made the job for the time keepers, James and Andrew much simpler. Maria was the co-ordinator for the night and did a sterling job handing out the numbers and collecting the money, a bargain at £3 per rider. Dai put up the event signs on the course whilst doing a quick check and was pusher off-er. As traditional with cyclists world over, lots of complaints after the event about it being a slow night but everyone put in a good time. Perhaps everyone was buoyed by the surprise chocolate rice crispies that were handed out to all in the car park. Congratulations to Neil Grunshaw for posting the fastest time of the night, 22:09 and to all who participated. Thank you to all the volunteers who make the event possible. The results are posted here on the website.

Next Event

The next Club 10 in the series is on Wednesday, 6th May 2015, hopefully we will see a few more familiar face entering and putting in a good time. There are still a number of nights later in the series that require volunteers to run, please look in the Time Trailing section of the Kingston Wheelers Forum if you would like to run one. It only takes a few hours in the evening after work, mostly socialising! and is very simple to do.
Please contact Dave Spraggy with any questions or post up your name for the remaining nights.