Club RR Championship
As per last year there will be two races
◾13:45 – Newcomers 4th Cat Race (Go Ride) (30 mins + 5 laps)
◾15:00 – E/1/2/3/4 Handicap (Regional C) (60 mins + 5 laps)
This race is open to First Claim members of the Kingston Wheelers only and you need to be a paid up member to race. No BC points are on offer. Any juniors who want to race please contact Will Nicklin first.
Given the general feedback that it worked well then overall things are kept the same. The newcomers race is open to those who have not raced before and want to give it a go. As its a Go-Race, BC Bronze membership will suffice. The main race is open to all, and will be handicapped on the day.
Entries can be made through the BC website again. I’ve made the race application to BC, but it takes a little time to get approved. It won’t be in the race calendar immediately but I’ll update everyone on the forum when it becomes available.