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Gil Jessop Sporting 14

The Gil Jessop Sporting 14 time trial will be held on Sunday 8 February 2015.The course will be the traditional GS/292A (Hungry Hill – East Clandon) circuit and under CTT rules and regulations. Entries are now open and you can register at  the Cycling Time Trials website. The closing date is for the entries will be 27th January 2015.

Please remember that non-members that wish to enter the Gil Jessop Sporting 14, time trail must belong to a club affiliated with CTT and enter in advance of the close date, there is no on the day registration.

For members of Kingston Wheeler, we need your help on the day to run this well attended event. Please remember that as every member is required to volunteer once in a year. There are many ways to help at this event so please look out for the the different roles required and put your name against it, where you would like to help.

The poster for the Gil Jessop Sporting 14 event has been provided by Dominic Trevett.