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Herne Hill Track Day

The Herne Hill Velodrome track day will be hosted on Saturday 14 March 2015 @ 2.30pm.

Following on from the success and enjoyment of the 2014 Herne Hill Velodrome track day, Michael Hartrey has generously decided to arrange a similar session this year. The session will be 3 hours in length and there will be British Cycling coaches provided by Herne Hill to cover all the various aspects of track riding.

The coached sessions will be primarily aimed at, but not limited to, current members with little to no track experience. Track bikes will be provided by Herne Hill and are included in the as part of the package. The session is subsidised by Kingston Wheelers and cost will be £7 per member. There will be a maximum number of 55 participants for the event due to bike hire and insurance arrangements of Herne Hill. If you haven’t tried cycling on a veledrome track before it is a worth while experience and a lot of fun, it can also help other aspect of your cycling.

Coaching Includes

  • Starting and stopping and riding on the banking on a fixed gear bike.
  • Various group riding exercises to ensure safe and confident close riding – stacking, 1/2 lap changes, rotation for example, good practice for group riding.
  • Finishing off with one or two mock taster races.

Track cycling has gained hugely in popularity since the success of the British Olympic team, both men and women. We would really encourage our full membership to take this opportunity to try another aspect of cycling.